HuiRen ShenBao pian Shelf life:730 days 100% authentic, please rest assured purchase! Product name Shenbao tablet (Hui Ren) The main raw materials of epimedium, fenugreek, Cherokee rose, Radix Rehmanniae Preparata, Fructus Psoraleae, common cnidium fruit, Radix Polygoni Multiflori, Cistanche, wolfberry fruit, dodder, Schisandra, astragalus, Atractylodes,raspberry, red ginseng, Chinese yam, Poria, angelica, Chuan Qiong, fennel, Cha Maeko, Gan Cao moxibustion. The main function of balance yin and Yang, tonifying kidney, strengthening the. Forlumbago, dizziness, night urination, aversion to cold; women leucorrhea qingxi. Appropriate to the crowd for lumbago, dizziness, night urination, aversion to cold;women leucorrhea Qingxi patients. Product specifications 0.7g*126片*1瓶/盒 Usage and dosage of oral, 3 pills each time, 3 times a day. 产品品名 肾宝片(汇仁) 主要原料 淫羊藿、葫芦巴、金樱子、熟地黄、补骨脂、蛇床子、制何首乌、肉苁蓉、枸杞子、菟丝子、五味子、覆盆子、黄芪、红参、白术、山药、茯苓、当归、川穹、小茴香、车前子、灸甘草。 主要作用 调和阴阳,温阳补肾,扶正固本。用于腰腿酸痛,精神不振,夜尿频多,畏寒怕冷;妇女白带清稀。 适宜人群 用于腰腿酸痛,精神不振,夜尿频多,畏寒怕冷;妇女白带清稀的患者。 产品规格 0.7g*126片*1瓶/盒 用法用量 口服,一次3片,一日3次。
2 months ago
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