Product description Our navel is considered to be the root for our veins and nerves which carry essential nutrients and stimuli to the entire body.A blend of efficient concern relevant essentials oils quickly get absorbed in our body through our navel and effectively reach the parts for which they are meant to have the desired effect.This natural process has been highly praised in ancient Indian vedas. Ayurvedic navel oil glowing skin & healthy hair: ingredients: neem oil: apply a few drops of neem oil in your belly button for detoxification and subsequent elimination of acne. Promotes healthy hair growth and minimize grass.Lemon oil: remove face pigmentation, fade pimples spots, rejuvenate skin, clear and beautiful skin peppermint oil: peppermint oil has soothing and cooling abilities that freshen the skin. It also has properties that facilitate oil secretion, making it an effective component against acne. It eliminates dandruff and fights lice. It is used in hair products to relieve a dry scalp, stimulate hair growth, and give hair a healthy shine castor oil: to stimulate eyelash and eyebrow growth, heal split ends, sooth itching skin & heal fungal infections on the skin. Coconut oil: coconut oil has many benefits. It makes one’s skin glow, The scented liquid makes it very supple and women regularly apply it to have long, lustrous hair. Sesame oil: maintains good skin health, acts as a natural anti-inflammatory agent, detoxifies skin Olive oil: olive oil may help decrease your acne by killing off the bacteria that causes acne. Olive oil is also known to moisturize and hydrate your skin. How to use: before going to bed, put 2-3 drops of belly drops ayurvedic oil on your belly and massage in a circular clockwise motion and inside out for a minute. Wash your belly in the morning. Use daily to 4 times a week. Legal Disclaimer Please do a patch test on inner elbow skin before application. Please read the label for any allergies. Keep away from children. Not to be used by pregnant and lactating women.
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