The drinkable seawater, treated according to the original protocol of René Quinton, contains all the minerals necessary for the proper functioning and regeneration of our cells, and thanks to the ionic bioavailability of its elements, it is able to replenish any mineral deficiency, returning to the system cellular balance and vitality. Quinton seawater is absorbed through the intestine by passive diffusion. Because organic minerals and marine co-factors have been previously digested by zooplankton, they do not require active digestion as a requirement to be assimilated. Quinton Isotonic Bebible presents a micromineral composition qualitatively and proportionally identical to the extracellular fluid (or Internal Medium). It contains the Totum of the periodic classification of the elements. For its Natural Isotonia, Quinton Isotonic is an aid in: · Balance cellular nutrition · Regulate homeostasis · Natural rehydration (natural substitute of synthetic physiological sera) · Ionic contribution through the extracellular fluid · Favorable modification of the land · Cellular detoxification. boost the Immune system.
1 month ago
1 month ago