Settle in for a bit of love and relaxation with this wonderfully scented, beautiful bouquet of long stemmed roses in full bloom, with an added touch of rose perfume for a bit of romance. Our Premium Rose Petals Wax Melts are highly scented, made with Essential and Natural fragrance oils, and are completely phthalate free, vegan, and non toxic! Each pack of Wax Melts contain 6 1/2 Oz. warmer wax cubes, and each will provide strong fragrance for 8+ hours. Our Premium Wax Melts are a completely safe flameless fragrance wickless candle option for any space and pets of all types. Our Formula 117 wax blend is made with a soft paraffin, and is designed for maximum scent throw. This new formula also comes out of the package much easier than our classic formula. Truly an experiment, but one we really like!
1 month ago
1 day ago