Please disregard the expected delivery date offered by . USPS/DHL is used for all orders. Actually it mostly takes about 7-15 working days to arrive after comfirming shipment. If it delay occasionally due to external irresistible factors your patience and understanding will be greatly appreciated. If any questions never hesitate to contact us please. Chalcedony is the representative of the moon. it has a close relationship with the water, and therefore is said to prevent drowning accidents and avoid the intrusion of witchcraft. Blue Chalcedony is said to be could help keeping you safe and Security and peace and to avoiding negative energy.Blue Chalcedony can reduce eye problems and help in gall bladder, liver, bladder, bones and blood circulation systems.Blue Chalcedony stands for CHAKPA OF EXPRESSION, so it can increase the capacity of self-expression, communication and coordination.
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