Osmile ANK1000 GPS tracker required 1GB Nano SIM Card to operate, and it is designed for such as prisoner on parole, psychopathy, elderly with dementia, Alzheimer disease and kids with autism etc. Osmile ANK1000 GPS tracker, is very convenient, its large battery life 4000 mAh allows user, to wear the tracker continuously without taking it off. Most importantly, with Osmile APP, it gives you real time location of the wearer, and notify you if they are in or out of the geofence. Osmile ANK1000 GPS tracker also send alert to Osmile APP and alarm on the tracker goes off, if it is being damaged, battery less than 5%, or offline. Apart from that, there is an SOS button on the tracker, and phone call function, to maintain a two ways communication between wearer & Osmile APP at all time. All these amazing features ensure you can monitor the wearer with a peaceful mind! Lastly, Osmile Engineer Team also provides Osmile ANK1000 to Customer’s server integration service.
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