Amethyst--Sahasrara(Or Crown Chakra)is engraved Thousand Petaled Lotus,Sahasrara's inner aspect deals with the release of karma,physical action with meditation,mental action with universal consciousness and unity,and emotional action with "beingness". Clear Crystal--Ajna(Or Third-Eye Chakra)is symbolised by a lotus with two petals.Physically,Ajna's key issues involve balancing the higher and lower selves trusting inner guidance.Mentally,Ajna deals with visual consciousness. Lazuli Lapis--Vishuddha(Or Throat Chakra)means especially pure,Physically,Vishuddha governs communication.Mentally,it governs fluent thought and sense of security. Green Aventurine--Anahata(Or Heart Chakra)is symbolised by a circular flower with twelve green petals called the heartmind.Key issues involving Anahata involve complex,compassion,tenderness,unconditional love,equilibrium,rejection and well-being.Physically Anahata governs circulation,Mentally it governs passion,and spiritually it governs devotion. Yellow Jasper--Manipura(Or Solar plexus/navel chakra)is symbolised by a downward pointing triangle with ten petals,Key issues governed by Manipura are issues of personal power,anxiety,introversion,and transition from simple or base emotions to complex.Physically,Manipura governs digestion,Mentally it governs personal power. Carnelian--Svadhishthana(Or Sacral Chakra)is symbolized by a white lotus within which is a crescent moon,with six vermilion,or orange petals.The key issues involving Svadhishthana are relationships,violence,addictions,basic emotional needs and pleasure.Physically,Svadhishthana governs reproduction,mentally it governs creativity. Red Jasper--Muladhara(Or Root Chakra)is symbolized by a lotus with four petals and the color red.This center is located at the base of the spine in the coccygeal region.Physically,Muladhara governs sexuality.Mentally it governs stability.
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