Learn the Secrets Used by Successful Traders to Anticipate the Markets and Make a Profit Now in its second printing! "Still struggling to make money trading?" Newsletters and Tips Perhaps you subscribe to a newsletter, or pick up tips from "experts"? And you trade your own account based on what they tell you Look, reputable newsletters don't allow their editors to take a position in their recommendations before publication - so there's no conflict. So do you think that the writer cares as much about your money as you do? And disreputable newsletters and tip sheets are used by shysters to inflate buying interest in a particular stock and send the price up, allowing the author to get a profit on shares he already owns. It's called pump and dump, and I expect you've experienced that at least once. Either way, do you want to trust your trading account to what they say? You Bought a Trading Plan And followed it? Your plan takes a couple of indicators, say the MACD and RSI, and tells you what to look for, so you can make a trade. These plans are "one size fits all" and never tailored to your appetite for risk, which means you may find them hard to stick with, or they may give you sleepless nights. Or maybe you bought a black box program that shoots out recommendations - good luck with that! Wouldn't you like to know about all the other indicators you can use and their settings, so that you can be in control and make your own selections to suit your way of trading? What You Get "Mastering Technical Analysis" reveals all the methods and techniques that are available to you to ramp up your trading performance. You'll find out How to read charts How to understand indicators How to earn money consistently How to spot a trend When to trade - and when not to How to figure the amount you should trade When to enter a trade Where to set your stop losses, and why How to prepare your personal trading plan This book will give you the confidence to forge your own path in the markets.
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