ANDUNE Men's Barefoot & Minimalist Shoes provide a different experience to regular shoes. Switching to Barefoot Shoes provides multiple health benefits in the long run. Andune Barefoot Shoes have the following features: Wide Toe Box - Wide shoes allow your toes—crucially, your big toes—to provide a stable base of support. Tapered narrow shoes give you shoe-shaped feet reducing stability and restricting the natural splay and recoil of toes weakening the muscles and function. Flexible - A flexible, wide foot-shaped shoe allows your muscles and tendons to load, splay and recoil putting a natural spring in your step. Supportive and/or rigid shoes cramp your feet and restrict the natural range of movement weakening the muscles and fascia. Thin - Thin puncture-resistant soles allow the 200,000 nerves in each foot to provide your brain with the sensory feedback you need to move with skill. Thick cushioned soles reduce sensory feedback to your brain and don’t allow your feet to feel the ground. Resulting in clumsy unskilful movement like over-striding when you walk or run.
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