This Battery is smaller then AA Size. Please measure and compare and verify that it is written 14430 on the battery.You can replace this battery with capacities(mAh)that range from 200 mAh till 600 mAh. Specifications: òNominal Voltage: 3.2V òSize: 4/5 AA (14430) òCapacity: 400 mAh (Replaces 500mAh /350mAh / 300mAh / 250mAh and more) òChemistry: Lithium Phosphate (LiFePO4) òMax Charging current: 0.4A òMax Discharging current: 0.8A òEnergy density: 75.29wh/kg òBrand: Blue Label òIncluded Qty: 2 Dimensions: òLength: 43.5 mm (1.72") òDiameter: 14 mm (0.55") òWeight: 17 g (0.6 Oz) Features: òNo memory effect òLong storage life òLight weight and high energy density òUp to 2000 Charge Cycles Ideal for the following applications: òSolar Lights òEmergency Lights òCustom Battery Packs
1 day ago
2 months ago